Workshop on the Manufacture of an Electric Night Lamp with Recycled Material at CECOSDA Cameroon


Presentation of Night Lamps

Background: CECOSDA Cameroon, partnering with the Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainability is taking active part in the promotion of an eco-friendly environment by training youth in green entrepreneurship which deals with the protection of human health and the environment through waste management.


According to a World Bank report entitled "What a waste 2.0: A global snapshot of solid waste management to 2050" published in 2018, the amount of waste produced each year in the world is expected to increase to 3.4 billion tonnes in three decades if nothing is done. ( It is therefore critical to protect the environment so as to reduce the destruction of eco-systems. Environmental protection has been a serious concern, which has been steadily growing in the last 50 years ( It is in this light that CECOSDA organized a 03-day workshop on waste management by recycling household waste titled; "Manufacturing  a Night Light using Recycled Paper" for youths from primary 5 to form four. The workshop took place in the CECOSDA premises: montée Jouvence-Yaounde. The main aim of this workshop was to awaken the green entrepreneurial spirit of the future entrepreneurs for better management of household waste in order to protect the environment and the general public

I.                   Theoretical Phase of the Workshop

Days two (02) and three (03) of the workshop were the days where the actual mounting of the night lamps were carried out by using a household waste material for a more beneficiary purpose. 

a)    Household or Domestic Waste Management: Collection and Recycling

Waste management and recycling in Cameroon as well as other African countries are not at the forefront, but the poor management of waste is becoming increasingly important although exact figures are not yet available. Recycling household waste can lead to a tremendous decrease in solid waste pollution.
Cutting and beautifying in the lab

The waste recycled in this workshop was cardboard; which was reused with the aim of giving it an economic value and helping in reducing solid pollution as well. 
The learners collected the cardboard papers in places where they were available, restructured them and then beautified them. The electrification of the night lamps was the final phase in the workshop.

   Learners decorating their Night Lamps

          b) Low-Cost Electrification

The whole point of the workshop in making a night lamp was to actually produce one which is eco-
friendly, cost-efficient, easy to setup and at the same time profitable. Therefore the electrification 
had to be optimal and cost-effective. This was done by using basic electrification material: a low 
consumption light bulb, connecting wires, electric plug, and a switch.

Testing Electrical Connection
The electrical setup was simple and straight forwarded. The learners did this with much ease and 
understood every step. The workshop was successful since everyone made a night lamp which 
is eco-friendly and is affordable for an average household in Cameroon.

Presentation of night lamps made with recycled paper

III. Conclusion and Perspectives

 The CECOSDA HolidaysPro learners were trained on waste management by recycling cardboard paper for the manufacture of a night lamp, with an aim of partaking in eco-favourable activities and thus protecting the environment.  

Our next objective here at CECOSDA will be to use a renewable energy source; such as solar energy by the use of solar panels, to power these homemade night lamps and continue in the promotion of an eco-friendly environment.

 Article written by Rita ENOH

Renewable Energy Expert

Programme assistant in charge workshops - CECOSDA


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