The International Women's Day


8 March is a day for all women to come together and take stock of the situation of women. The theme of the thirty-seventh International Women's Day 2022 is "Gender equality today for a sustainable future".

It focuses, at the international level, on gender-equitable climate finance to strengthen women's leadership in the green economy; women's relationship with the environment, they can be key agents in environmental conservation, sustainable development and climate change adaptation. In all regions and cultures, women play a key role in relation to their natural environment. Often highly dependent on available natural resources for food, fuel and shelter, women can be particularly vulnerable to environmental changes or threats. With women's workloads often centered on the management of natural resources, biodiversity and ecosystems, their experiences and perspectives are essential in shaping sustainable development actions at all levels - for a healthy planet, for generations to come. The Communication Centre for Sustainable Development for All (CECOSDA), composed of 80% women and 20% men, calls on women to join us in celebrating International Women's Day and contributing to sustainable development.

Article written by sandrine TONJI

Sector lead en charge des alternatives vertes, CECOSDA Cameroun

Yaounde, Cameroun



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