CECOSDA with IPDC/UNESCO support trains 30 journalists on how to use digital skills in times of security crisis and COVID-19
In the framework of a sub-regional training workshop for community journalists on the use of digital technology in times of crisis and Covid-19 ,The Centre for Communication and Sustainable Development (CECOSDA) and its partner UNESCO/IPDC are training 30 journalists, 10 from each country,
The workshop is being held from 22 to 23 February 2022 simultaneously in three countries: Chad, Central African Republic and Cameroon. The focus is on learning mobile journalism, especially the use of smartphones for editing videos and images for broadcast on social networks. The workshop in question is a UNESCO programme aimed at strengthening the capacity of media around the world.
The community radio stations represented are
- For Chad : Radio Mandela FM, Radio Oxygène, Radio Alkhouran, Radio Arc-en-ciel, Radio FM liberté;
- For Cameroon : radio Yemba, radio Bonakanda, radio Foutouni, radio communautaire du Noun, Chronique CRTV, radio Aurore, radio Vie et Développement;
- For CAR : RMCC, Radio Notre Dame, Radio Lengo Sengo, Voix de miracles, RA Voci, Maria, Radio Sewa.
CECOSDA is taking advantage of this workshop to strengthen the institutional capacities of the Green Alert Network, the Chad Community Radio Network and the Maison des Medias de la RCA by offering them each Internet kits and 4G boxes, which have been purchased to ensure the smooth running of the online training.The participants are expected to use the knowledge they have gained for the benefit of their respective communities.
Article written by Ali MOUSSA
Alwihda Info
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